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25 total results found
DJ Operations
All of the guides pertaining to DJs and their use of the station.
Media Guide
All of the written content on the website and more!
Studio Operation
Describes all of the necessary knowledge to be a pro in the station.
Club Organization
This is a copy of the constitution hosted in the drive. It is up to date as of 2021.
WRBB Overview
General info, Q&A, and more!
Media Team Hub
This is your one-stop shop for all things Media Team 📣 Please email or with any questions, comments, or concerns!
News Recording
How to record for the WRBB news team!
Playing Vinyl
Part 1: Understanding the Technology Before you can play vinyl records, it is important that you understand how the sound you hear is being produced. From the victrola website: Vinyl record players are electromagnetic devices that change sound vibrations ...
Control Board
Getting to know the board The Board in the station is a Wheatstone A-300. The full manual can be found here. The Board is split into vertical Modules. These each operate independently, and what follows is an overview of these modules. Module Type 1: Micro...
Playing CDs
Part 1: Understanding the Technology Before you learn how to play CDs, you need to understand a bit about how CDs work. The way a CD works is by using a laser to read minuscule bumps in the surface. These bumps represent digital 1s and 0s. The music is enc...
Original Clearance Video
This is the original clearance video saved for posterity. This does not represent current operating procedures. Video 1: Studio and FCC regulations Video 2: Board operation
WRBB Constiution
Note: This is the current constitution as of 2021. Preamble The purpose of this constitution is to set forth guidelines for the governance of WRBB 104.9FM. All interpretations of this constitution shall be determined by the Executive Board, through the power...
Sample Club Org Chart
Intro and Quick Links
Welcome to the internal wiki of WRBB. This is for DJs and other members of WRBB only. Quick Links: DJ REPORT FORM SPINITRON LOGIN SPINITRON SCHEDULE PODCAST CALENDAR | GLR STUDIO CALENDAR Want to learn about media team? Click here! Want to learn m...
Media Team Guide
You should start by taking a look at our media team guide. Please be sure to read this closely! It has all you need to know to be able to contribute content.
Media Team Newsletter
Sign up for the WRBB Media Team Newsletter at this link! This is the best way to stay in the know with all things Media Team! Here, we'll send out meeting info, show review and photography opportunities, album review request forms, and other important info fo...
Submission Folder
Here is the link for the Media Team submission folder! This is where you will submit the first draft (as a google or word doc) of any and all written content, as well as photos from shows.
For new writers:
To start contributing content, you'll need to attach a clearance article with your first album review request form. This should be a review of any album, around 450 words, and in keeping with the WRBB style guidelines (see the media team guide above). We'll lo...
Meeting Dates!
Here are our remaining meetings for the Spring 2023 semester: Tuesday, April 11, from 8 to 9 p.m. in Cahners 007 Tuesday, April 25, from 8 to 9 p.m. in Cahners 007 Keep an eye on the newsletter for any last minute updates!
Forms 📝
Album Review Request Form Press Pass/Show Review Request Form Editorial Pitch Form
Podcast Room Calendar
This is the time bookings for the podcast room. Please contact the podcast director to schedule time in the space. Thanks!
GLR Studio Calendar
This is the calendar for bookings in the GLR recording studio and control room. Please contact the Recording department if you want to reserve space.
Current Clearance Videos
Hi! Thanks for your interest in becoming a DJ. The three videos below will show you all you need to know about studio operations at WRBB. It's a lot to take in, so I recommend watching a few times and reviewing your answers on the quiz below Video 1 – Station...
How to Record News
These should be all the steps you need to record news in the studio! Open the control panel on the desktop by double clicking the item. Select the "Console Mixdown" button and verify it turns green. Open Reaper by double clicking it on the desktop In Rea...
Phone Clearance Video
Hello! Below you will find the phone clearance video as well as a short quiz. Please complete the quiz and watch the video as many times as you need to feel comfortable before using the phone. Phone Training Video: Practice Quiz Loading…